DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-30-38
The problem of the need to intensify channels and forms of interaction with foreign students at Russian universities is indicated. Today the universities are designed not only to conduct research and teach, but also to influence the improvement of the cultural and socio-economic status of their region and the whole world. It is proved that the third mission of the university today implies the creation of the image of Russia as a partner aimed at dialogue in equal conditions, striving for the security of all participants in the world process, the condition of which is multipolarity. The conditions of the diversity of cultures that takes place at universities make possible to highlight the country’s position in front of representatives of other countries – foreign students. The role of intercultural competence as one of the most important skills of the XXI century is emphasized. In the face of growing uncertainty on the world stage, universities should take over the formation of intercultural competence. This is the mission of forming goodwill and tolerance towards representatives of different peoples, serving international understanding and cooperation. It is proved that one should not limit oneself to the process of adaptation to another culture based on the assimilation of new cultural norms and the formation of the ability to bring one’s behavioral reactions in line with them. It is necessary to form a new type of personality, mastering new cultural codes. Such a person feels comfortable in any crosscultural collective and knows ways to self-actualize himself in it. To do this, it is advisable for students to show examples of new ways of intensive interaction at the intersection of various cultural paradigms.
Keywords: third mission of the university, intercultural communication, cultural code, adaptation, cross-cultural communication club, cross-cultural training
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 30 — 38
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