DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-39-47
It is noted that the transition to a distance learning format during the pandemic revealed a low level of digital literacy of teachers, which hinders the effective organization of the educational process with online tools. Attention is focused on the lack of development of criteria and indicators of digital literacy among teachers, the lack of its monitoring in general education organizations. The approaches of foreign and Russian researchers to the definition of the content of the concept of digital literacy as a benchmark for the digital transformation of the education system are analyzed. The authors adhered to an expanded interpretation of digital literacy as an element of mastering the culture of the digital age, which implies the presence of broad competencies in the field of search, production, communication and distribution of digital content and information, as well as the conversion of digital skills into pedagogical technologies. In order to identify the understanding of the structure of digital literacy by teachers in the context of limited remote interaction using digital means, the authors used the focus group method in an online format to conduct the study. Based on self-assessment of teachers, deficits in digital pedagogical training of teachers are determined in the context of organizing distance learning in the system of general education based on an analysis of the situation in the Siberian Federal District. A preliminary comparative assessment of the structure and level of digital literacy with students, obtained on the basis of self-analysis of the adaptive educational practices of teachers during the pandemic crisis, is proposed.
Keywords: digital literacy, professional digital competencies of a teacher, digital transformation of education, digital educational environment
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 39 — 47
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