DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-48-56
Analysis of interdisciplinary connections in preparation for a new form of state final certification, the demonstration exam WorldSkills Russia (WSR) in the system of secondary vocational education is the purpose of the article. The professional training of paramedical personnel, in accordance with the state policy in the field of training specialists of the secondary vocational education system, is associated with improving the quality of education and passing a new form of state final certification – the WorldSkills Russia (WSR) championship standards exam. An integral part of professional training in medical specialties is the discipline “Chemistry”. With the reduction of hours in chemistry, it is necessary to reform the methodological support. For example, the training of a laboratory diagnostician or a pharmacist changes the types of activities (educational, scientific, research). The use of intersubject communications has been expanded. Professional and supraprofessional competencies are formed. The practical experience of the WS competitive movement is the goal. The main didactic principles (scientific, visual, accessible, and others) of the subjects “Chemistry”, “Biochemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry” reflect the development of these sciences for students, contribute to the expansion of scientific knowledge and its synergy. Integration of MOOC resources into the learning environment of the system of secondary vocational education in blended learning, the use of a task system for preparing for WSR exams in the pre-class, classroom and post-class phases, based on interdisciplinary connections is shown. The conditions for preparing a mid-level specialist for a new form of state final certification according to WorldSkills Russia standards have been created.
Keywords: chemistry, interdisciplinary communications, Worldskills Russia, system of secondary vocational education
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 48 — 56
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