DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-57-66
This article discusses the concepts of “competence” and “competence task”, attention to which is due to the emergence of a new educational paradigm reflecting the practical orientation of the content of education. The priority is not the development of subject knowledge, skills and abilities, but the systematic and harmonious development of the student’s personality, mastering basic competencies. The analysis of pedagogical sources revealed the problem of the lack of a fullfledged competence-oriented educational and methodological support for the educational subject “Literature”, which indicates the relevance of developments in this area. Widely presented in modern school programs, Yuletide prose is a rich source of cultural information. It allows students to learn the facts of the material and spiritual culture of the people, history, mythological and religious beliefs, philosophy, morality, national way of thinking, which contributes to the formation of students’ necessary personal, meta-subject and subject competencies. Considering the main characteristics of the competence task, the author offers an approximate version of such a task based on the material of O. Henry’s Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi”, as well as criteria for evaluating the quality of its performance. In the future, the research is a methodical description of such tasks based on the methodological matrix of the case study.
Keywords: competence approach, competence, competence task, Christmas prose, O. Henry
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 57 — 66
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