DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-67-77
The use of information technology in the learning process has already become commonplace, but new tools are constantly appearing to help the teacher and students. In order for education to really meet the demand of modern realities, it is necessary to continuously modernize the forms and methods of education. One such highly relevant assistant in teaching mathematics is the Dynamic Mathematics System (DMS) GeoGebra. Mathematics has always occupied a special place among the sciences, if only because it is very abstract and difficult to understand. Just memorizing formulas and definitions is not enough, or rather, it makes no sense. You need to understand the essence and be able to use the knowledge gained. Therefore, there is a need for the visibility of mathematical concepts for their more detailed consideration and understanding, for which DMS are used. It is also worth confirming the feasibility of their use. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study of the impact of using the GeoGebra Classroom on the quality of education on the example of the topic “Complex Numbers” studied by college students in the course of higher mathematics. It was revealed that the use of Dynamic Mathematics Systems in classroom and homework has a positive effect on student’s academic performance.
Keywords: teaching mathematics, GeoGebra Classroom, complex numbers, college, dynamic drawings, distance learning
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 67 — 77
Downloads: 757