DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-78-87
The events of recent years taking place all over the world show how important it is to solve the tasks of civic and patriotic education of young people in a timely manner. And the implementation of the tasks of forming a citizen and a patriot should be carried out at all levels of the education system. It is important to take into account the multinational nature of our state and correctly form the civic and patriotic qualities of the younger generation. The modern approach to the civic and patriotic education of students involves the use of new technologies that correspond to their interests and preferences. It is necessary to take into account all the resources and technologies for civil and patriotic education of students at the present stage of development of a multicultural society. The purpose of our research is to identify the most effective resources and technologies of civic and patriotic education of students in the modern multicultural educational space. The study used the method of analysis of domestic and foreign literature, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the formation of civil and patriotic qualities of students in the multicultural educational environment of the university; the method of systematization and ranking of the basic principles of civil-patriotic education of students (the principle of standardization, the principle of relevance, the principle of consistency, practice-oriented principle and the principle of differentiation). The results of the study showed that in modern society a variety of methods and techniques of civic and patriotic education of young people should be applied in accordance with their characteristics and aspirations. Along with the traditional ones (memorial vigil, participation in rallies, concert performances for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military sports clubs, etc.), innovative forms, means, methods of civil and patriotic education of subjects of the educational process should also be used. In the educational process of the university, it is necessary to use a variety of resources and technologies for the civil and patriotic education of students. All of them should be aimed at the development of citizenship as an integrative quality of personality, and form a respectful attitude to the traditions and cultural norms of their country and their people.
Keywords: civic and patriotic education, students, higher education institution, multicultural society, multicultural educational environment, resources, technology
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 78 — 87
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