DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-111-119
The article analyzes the actual problems of current state of the training of teaching staff of higher scientific qualification in graduate school. The real organizational, managerial, substantive and motivational possibilities of more effective functioning of the postgraduate pedagogical profile are revealed. The issues of determining and using the integration potential of formal and non-formal education from the perspective of managing the development of pedagogical postgraduate studies are considered. The situation of resource shortage for formal education of graduate students at the pedagogical university is actualized. Among the missing resources for training highly qualified scientific personnel are noted: the weakening of research activities of universities, a decrease in the number of applicants to graduate school, the disunity of university system for training research personnel and awarding academic degrees. The characteristic features of the integration potential of the designated types of education are revealed and substantiated through the analysis of the activity of the scientific school of a teacher-researcher as an actual practice of non-formal education of graduate students, effectively complementing the formal system of training of highly qualified personnel. As the methodological basis of the research, such methods as phenomenological research, included observation, methods of humanitarian research were used, namely: the study of the experience of integration of two types of education, the identification of empirical signs of integration, their generalization, justification of the potential of such integration. The possible ways of improving the training of researchers for universities and research structures are proposed on the example of the presented experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University.
Keywords: management of education development, scientific school, graduate students, the potential of integration of formal and non-formal education
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 111 — 119
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