DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-120-127
The article deals with the problem of using health-saving technologies in a pedagogical university. The relevance of this issue is due to the deterioration of the external social and natural environment and an increase in violations in the physical and mental health of modern people. The problem of health saving is especially acute in relation to children and students, as well as specialists in “interacting” professions, which include teachers and lecturers. Hence, it is important to pay attention to the professional training of future teachers at the university, which should include not only knowledge about health and health care, but also the development of health-preserving technologies. The purpose of the article is to consider the problem of including health-saving technologies in the process of professional training of students at a pedagogical university for use in classes and the formation of practical experience of future teachers. To study the problematic field of the research topic on the basis of the Altai State Pedagogical University, a questionnaire was conducted among students of 4–5 courses, which emphasized the need not only to study healthy technologies within the framework of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, but also their practical use in classes. As examples of the use of such technologies in working with students, physical activity break and various auto-training options have been proposed. Physical activity breaks allow you to organize a practically oriented recreation in the classroom, since future teachers not only participate in the exercise, but also analyze their implementation, include them in their methodological bank. Autotraining contributes to the solution of a number of psychological problems, and also helps to develop the professional qualities necessary for a teacher: the ability to tune in to a lesson, relax, overcome negative external influences, mastery of voice and emotions.
Keywords: health-saving technologies, pedagogical university, future teachers, professional training of students at the university
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 120 — 127
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