DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-128-135
The issue of professional development of heads of educational organizations is being updated in connection with the release of a new professional standard “Head of an educational organization (management of a preschool educational organization and a general educational organization)”. The research program is presented with the substantiation of the sample constructed according to the criterion of the maximum number of resilient schools in the regions according to the PISA model. An analysis of the results of a sociological survey of school principals from 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation on participation in various forms of vocational training “before” and “after” appointment to a position, on the preference for choosing a form of professional development, on the subject of advanced training and professional retraining programs, on the respondents’ assessment of the degree of need in improving their professional competence. Conclusions are drawn on changing the content of the training of heads of general educational organizations: from management, organization and personnel management to pedagogical leadership, as a resource for the development of the general education system in the format of management practices with a focus on the achievements of the educational environment, improving the quality of education. Recommendations are given on the development of a personalized system of advanced training for heads of general educational organizations, and on the development of a mechanism for spending non-budgetary funds of an educational organization on additional professional training for heads.
Keywords: professional development, leader, educational organization, sociological survey
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 128 — 135
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