DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-136-147
The rapid advancement of digital technologies in the field of education is dictated by the relevance of the problems considered in this case. Digital literacy of physical education teachers, instructors and coaches in sports from among the teaching staff of educational organizations is the lowest. Despite the high importance of knowledge, skills, practical skills and tactical skills of mentors, digital competence has become a mandatory indicator for assessing the professional suitability of the modern education system. In modern physical culture and sports education, there are currently not enough methodological developments on the use of digital technologies. The process of digital modernization of education should be systematic and gradual, including the continuous interaction of educational organizations at all levels. It is necessary to search and classify additional innovative means and methods necessary to improve the educational process and the process of improving the sportsmanship of swimmers in the practice of professional training of students of the faculties of physical culture and sports. The study uses a theoretical analysis of scientific publications, innovative digital programs and devices that improve the efficiency of the swimming training process. Discussed are digital devices used in the training process of training swimmers from elementary to professional levels, their purpose and significance. The training process requires the search for new, original and effective ways of preparing and recovering swimmers, which have become available in the era of digital technology. It is important for teachers and trainers to master the skills of competent use of modern devices and programs that increase the effectiveness of practical exercises and rehabilitation procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new approaches and solutions in the professional training of physical culture and sports specialists in a timely manner to most effectively use digitalization trends in the educational process.
Keywords: digital technologies, training process, swimming training, educational technologies, mobile applications, computer programs, sensory devices, physiotherapy devices
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 136 — 147
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