DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-158-168
The foundations of psychological support for the adaptation process among foreign students are considered from the standpoint of the anthropo-system approach. Within the framework of this approach, it is established that psychological stress acts as a mechanism of self-development, selfrealization and personal growth of a person. In this connection, the work with the adaptation among foreign students should be focused on the development of constructive strategies, resources and skills of students to overcome emerging difficulties, methods and skills of intercultural communication, as well as on creating conditions (internal and external) for creative self-realization, which will allow students to become more sensitive and aware of their own changes, and more sensitive in relation to the capabilities of the environment. It is determined that such activity, aimed both at finding the conditions of the environment for the realization of their meanings and values, and at its active transformation, makes it possible to improve both the quality of life and the subjective well-being among young people. It is established that the main indicators of successful adaptation and the possibility of foreign students’ self-realization in the multicultural educational space of the university are subjective quality of life, positive ethnic identity and tolerance.
Keywords: anthropo-system approach, psychological support, foreign students, cultural shock, adaptation, self-realization, subjective quality of life, identity
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 158 — 168
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