DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-169-179
In the context of the ongoing threat of coronavirus, it is important to study personality models that largely determine the ability to predict health-oriented behavior, as well as the risk of anxiety, anxiety, and experiencing danger. In the article, the experience of a vital threat is analyzed as an experience of danger in relation to the mental Self, body, world, surrounding people, significant as an individual value. The study is aimed at studying the experience of the vital threat under the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship with the personal traits of students. The empirical study was used by the Experience Scale of “Danger-Safety”, R. B. Kettell’s 16-factor personality questionnaire (16 PF), the sample was students of the medical college of the Udmurt Republic (119 people). Mathematical methods processing methods were used: description statistics, correlation analysis, the SPSS 11.5 For Windows program. It was revealed that the experiences of the threat in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the Self and non-Self are differentiated, namely: students have a more pronounced experience of insecurity in relation to the world and the people around them. The components of the experience of threat on the Scale of “Danger-security” are structurally related to the communicative, regulatory, emotional and intellectual properties of a personality. The greatest number of connections between the experience of danger-safety relief links is established with the communicative properties of the individual. The students revealed a high involvement of personality traits in the experience of danger-security in relation to the mental Self and in relation to the body. The results obtained can be applied by medical college administration, teachers, academic mentors of student groups. They can be used by practitioner-psychologists providing counselling for students of medical colleges to prevent students from negative experiences and stress in the COVID-19 pandemic and in psychological education and counseling.
Keywords: threat, danger-security, personality traits, experience, pandemic
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 169 — 179
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