DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-5-190-201
The article presents the study results of various types of reflection influence on the mental states of students in the course of educational activities. The authors show that modern research in this area is fragmentary and does not reveal the integral mechanism of mental regulation of human psychological states. Within the framework of the problem, highlighted the role of reflection as the most important determinant in the regulation of states, as a mediating link in the choice of optimal methods and techniques for regulation of mental states. In the course of the study, we used various methods of reflection, mental states and regulatory abilities study. The study conducted in groups of 4th year students of psychologists and mathematicians, and the entire population of subjects divided into three groups according to the level of reflexivity into low-, medium- and high reflexive students. Found that the influence of reflection on the operational methods of self-regulation is higher in more intense forms of learning activity. Revealed the leading types of reflection in connection with the methods of mental states’ self-regulation at lectures, seminars and exams. The results of the research will reveal the importance of reflection in the integral regulatory process of the subject’s life.
Keywords: mental state, reflection, self-regulation method, learning activity, structure
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Issue: 5, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 190 — 201
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