DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-9-17
The article considers project competence as a component of educational competence and a necessary component of professional competence of a teacher. Based on the theoretical analysis, the definition of the project competence and the project competence of the teacher, the stages of the formation of the project competence of students – future teachers in the educational space of the university is proposed. The content of educational (introductory), educational (design-technological) and production (design-technological) summer practices of students is described. A study is described to assess the effectiveness of practices of 1-2 courses and their impact on the formation of students’ project competence. The main method of research we chose an expert assessment of the main components of students’ project competence: the ability to design activities (analyze information, formulate a problem, set a goal for project activities, plan activities and design the final product); the ability to organize project activities (implement project activities, monitor and adjust project activities, evaluate the result); the ability to communicate effectively (organize and plan educational collaboration) and creativity. Analysis of the results of the study showed that without specially organized purposeful work (students of the control (KG) group) project competence is not formed, and students of the experimental (EG) group there have been significant changes in all components of project competence under the influence of the educational and production practices implemented by us. Conclusion. Educational (introductory), educational (design and technological) and production (design and technological) practices are an effective method of forming the project competence of future teachers and thereby affect the development of educational and professional, in general, the competence of future teachers.
Keywords: project competence, educational (introductory) practice, educational (design and technological) practice, production (design and technological) practice, pedagogical prodject
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 9 — 17
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