DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2022-6-168-180
The authors have developed and tested Russian-language version of the questionnaire “Psychological Capital” (“PsyCap”) for use in higher education. This questionnaire was developed and based on the F. Lutans, K. Joseph and B. Avolio questionnaire. They created it for the needs of organizational psychology. B. Lutans, K. Lutans and S. Jensen modified it for the field of education. Psychological capital includes four parameters: self–efficacy (confidence in the successful achievement of goals and in solving problems); hope (the ability to redirect ways to achieve goals); optimism (is a positive attitude to success); resilience (is the ability to withstand difficulties). “PsyCap” questionnaires in various modifications (“PsyCap-24”, “PsyCap-12”) are widely used in modern psychology. There is no translation and adaptation of this questionnaire in Russian psychology, especially for the needs of higher education. It determined the relevance and purpose of this study. There are 130 students – future psychologists of Cherepovets State University took part in the survey. The authors checked their questionnaire and determinate it is reliability and validity. They do it by splitting the test into two parts. Authors use Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to check the internal consistency of each scale of the questionnaire, and the generalized indicator with all scales. Authors verify empirical validity by comparing the scales of the questionnaire with the results obtained using other known psychology tests. As a result, authors concluded that other researchers can use that questionnaire in the field of higher education to diagnose the psychological capital of students.
Keywords: psychological capital, confidence, self-efficacy, hope, optimism, stability
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Issue: 6, 2022
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 168 — 180
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