On the issue of educational and methodological aspects of implementation of the correspondence form of higher education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-62-69
Based on the analysis of literature on the features of the organization of the correspondence form of higher vocational training, the need for educational and methodological support of subjectdeveloping and professionally oriented tasks was revealed, as well as the need to use special developmental tasks and scientific and methodological materials to change the student’s educational motivation and the formation of subject-specific specialized competencies. Distance learning was considered. It has been established: distance learning has a significant impact on the entire education system as a whole, changing its organization, forms and technologies for the implementation of the educational process; the acquisition of knowledge in the online format is an important and promising direction in the development of the education system; the result of distance learning directly depends on the independence and awareness of the student; the implementation of distance learning requires the transformation of the educational process, the need for improvement, the development of new methods and educational technologies of distance learning, necessary for the correspondence form of training spe cialists.
Keywords: distance education, educational process, competence-based approach, subject-specific competencies, the principle of practice - orientation, educational and methodical provision of the educational process, distance learning, educational technologies, scientific and methodological equipment
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 62 — 69
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