Integrated approach to the development of polyphonic hearing of pianists in university
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-70-77
The authors reveal the theoretical and methodological basis for the development of polyphonic hearing of the students in the profile “Piano” in the higher school. The article substantiates the necessity to organize a complex approach to the solution of the indicated problem. The acuteness of the problem is caused by the ineffectiveness of the traditional ways of development of polyphonic hearing, when polyphony is learned not in the interaction of music subject fields, but in parallel and independently of each other. This situation hinders the formation of a holistic view of polyphony and inhibits the development of polyphonic hearing. Researchers have analyzed the concept of “ear for music” and defined it as a set of abilities of a person that allow him to fully perceive and objectively evaluate the music. The features of polyphonic hearing as a variety of musical hearing are also considered. It is interpreted as a complex ability, aimed at a holistic perception of the specific properties of polyphonic music. The article substantiates the idea of the necessity to develop polyphonic hearing on the basis of an integrated approach as the basic methodological idea and the condition for solving the problem. We defined the complex approach as the interrelation and realization of the main parameters of the educational process (goals, objectives, conditions, principles, methods, techniques). Interdisciplinary links act as a didactic condition for the implementation of an integrated approach. The authors reveal the structural components of the integrated approach and propose a strategy for its implementation in the educational process of the higher school profile “Piano”.
Keywords: integrated approach, polyphonic ear, ear for music, polyphony, intersubject communications
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 70 — 77
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