Creative techniques as a development resource of social and pedagogical practice
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-87-94
The author states the problem of mass social pedagogical practice improving through the development of ideas and techniques of creative pedagogy. Against the background of the growing need for qualified social and pedagogical assistance and the expansion of the school social work problems, there is a lack of creative technologies in the arsenal of school social workers, and conversely their high effectiveness in specialized services with different contingents of minors. In the theoretical aspect, we give the definition of creative technologies, reveal their functions in solving social and pedagogical problems (developing, communicative, compensatory, rehabilitation, hedonistic, recreational). There is an interpretation of the creativity phenomenon as the goal and means of socio-pedagogical activity. The author gives the typology of creative socio-pedagogical technologies: audio-visual, musical-dramatic, visual, training, game, socio-cultural design. There is an indication on the expediency of including creative modules in the training program for bachelors of psychological and pedagogical direction. We are emphasizing foreign and Russian experience in the instrumental training of social workers based on art-pedagogical and art-therapeutic techniques. In practical terms, author analyzes her own experience in teaching the discipline “Creative techniques in work with minors”. There is an example of the creative product developed by students - an integrative artistic and creative methodology “Family Theater” for work with the minor’s family. Thus, we’ve made a conclusion about the need of mastering the creative tools and ideas of creative pedagogy for further technologization and humanization of social and pedagogical activities.
Keywords: social worker, school, creative pedagogy, creative techniques, professional training
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 87 — 94
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