Digital literacy of teachers: diagnostic result
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-112-123
The digitalization of the education system poses several issues for interaction between teachers and students: mastering modern digital tools and resources, the safety of working on the Internet, education and self-education using information technology. These issues are especially acute in the process of organizing the education of children of primary school age. There must be teachers next to schoolchildren who are ready to form the digital literacy of students and who are able to provide digital mentoring. The goal is to analyze the results of diagnostics of teachers on the level of digital literacy development, the model of digital mentoring they implement, and its impact on the process of developing digital literacy among primary school students. The study is conducted based on the data obtained during the approbation by teachers of schools in the Perm Territory of the results of previous applied research on the development of functional literacy of students in the framework of the implementation of educational programs “Digital Literacy of Primary School Students” (State task No. 07-00080-21-02 dated August 18th, 2021, registry entry number 730000Ф.99.1). The study used such methods as the method of continuous correspondence survey, the descriptive method, the extrapolation method, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization of the obtained data. During the first part of the survey, it was revealed that all respondents have fragmented, unsystematic ideas about the digital literacy of younger students. They may sometimes use this occasional knowledge in their professional activities while experiencing an urgent need for motivational tools and avoiding responsibility for the use of digital tools in their activities. More than 70% of teachers choose the “learning together” mentoring model. The model is characterized by: teachers’ awareness of the high potential of digital technologies; occasional use of digital tools in practical activities; understanding of the importance of cooperation with colleagues while working with digital technologies. The research shows the direct relationship between the levels of digital literacy of a mentor and a student: the higher the level of digital competencies of a teacher, the higher the likelihood of early involvement of students in digital technologies. The stated hypothesis about the systemic knowledge of teachers involved in the project on digital literacy of primary school students, and their use of different models of digital mentoring in their work, was partially confirmed. The issues of systematic knowledge about digital resources and readiness to use digital tools in the educational process in primary school require further study.
Keywords: digital literacy, digital mentoring, primary school student
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 112 — 123
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