Formation of regulatory experience through participation in project-research activities of secondary school students
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-124-133
The analysis of the concepts of subjectivity, subjectivity of educational activity, subjective experience,regulatory experience is carried out. Studies devoted to the formation of subjectivity in adolescenceare considered. The works of authors who believe that for the formation of subjective activity, independence,etc. are analyzed. qualities that characterize subjectivity, it is necessary to form a regulatoryexperience, which, according to A. К. Osnitsky’s approach is the basis of subjectivity consisting of interrelatedcomponents: value experience, reflection experience, habitual activation experience, operationalexperience and cooperation experience. It is concluded that the subjective experience is formed inthe process of cooperation with an adult and the optimal method of formation will be the design and researchactivities of students, as well as specially designed tasks aimed at developing the components ofthe subjective experience. The study was conducted on a sample of seventh-eighth grade students(N = 158). The dependent variables in the experiment were the following criteria: the general level ofpersonality subjectivity; attributes of subjectivity – activity, autonomy, integrity, mediation, creativity;parameters of regulatory experience. The effectiveness of the influence on the listed characteristics ofspecially designed tasks aimed at forming the regulatory experience of students and included in the designand research activities was studied. The tasks were aimed at awareness of activity, development ofplanning, stimulation of activity, the ability to make independent choices and analyze the causes of successand failure in activities. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis of the study, while the maximumeffectiveness of the influence was noted on such attributes of subjectivity as activity and autonomy.Positive dynamics was noted in the components of subjective experience, the greatest changes werenoted in the experience of habitual activation, which manifested itself in the desire to independentlyperform theoretical tasks. The period of study at school is an important life stage in the formation ofpersonality, during this period there are many personal transformations, one of the main ones is the formationof the subjectivity of personality as the ability to be the author and creator of one’s own life. Theimplementation of design and research activities with students, the use of specially designed tasks at allstages of work on the project, aimed at the purposeful formation of components of regulatory experience,contributes to the development of subjective personality qualities of adolescents.
Keywords: subjectivity, educational subjectivity, regulatory experience, design and research activities, primary school students, adolescence
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 124 — 133
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