Psychological understanding of literary and artistic creativity in various cultural and historical epochs
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-1-147-157
The article presents an analytical review of the content of cultural and historical epochs associated with the development of scientific research on the psychology of artistic creativity. A retrospective of the origin and development of the prerequisites of the psychology of literary and artistic creativity as a new direction of scientific psychology is shown. The historical and cultural phenomena of psychological understanding of the manifestations of special abilities and artistic giftedness are discussed. Attempts are made to substantiate problematic issues of psychology of special (literary) abilities and literary and artistic giftedness in various cultural and historical epochs. The scientific contribution of representatives of the Russian psychological science in the formation and development of the psychology of literary specialties and literary and artistic giftedness, the study of the history of literary and artistic creativity is shown. It is shown that during the cultural and historical epochs in the field of psychology of literary abilities and literary giftedness, scientists have done a lot of work, but still have not received the expected and significant results. It is stated that the scientific development of the psychological foundations of literary and artistic creativity requires further thoughtful continuation. Attention is focused on the fact that in recent decades, the issues of psychology of literary and artistic creativity have again shifted to the center of scientific attention of literary critics and psychologists interested in the nature of artistic creativity.
Keywords: literary creativity, psychology of literary creativity, psychology of abilities, literary abilities, literary giftedness, psychology of giftedness
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Issue: 1, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 147 — 157
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