The use of schemes in speech therapy work with younger bilingual schoolchildren
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-17-27
The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental study of the problem relevant for pedagogy and speech therapy. Its relevance is associated with an increase in the number of bilingual children who have problems in mastering the school curriculum. Theoretical analysis of the problem allowed us to state the contradiction between the need to overcome the difficulties of mastering the laws of the Russian language by bilingual children and the insufficient development of a systematic approach to understanding and studying the mechanisms of speech competence and the search for effective technologies to overcome it, taking into account its determining factors. The results of a comparative experimental study indicate difficulties in teaching students with bilingualism, the different nature of these difficulties and the need for special correctional assistance. Pedagogically organized inclusion of children of grades 3–4 with bilingualism in the system of speech therapy through a purposefully organized educational space of interacting subjects: speech therapist, teacher and parents is considered as a condition for overcoming learning difficulties. The features of the content of speech therapy work with bilinguals are considered from the standpoint of taking into account the similarities and differences of the two language systems in which the child exists and learns, understanding the mechanism of difficulties in mastering the language in which the training is conducted. For this purpose, the lessons include generalized schemes aimed at forming an associative connection of the transition from one language to another. The study implements a psycholinguistic approach to the study and implementation of speech pedagogical assistance to primary school children with bilingualism.
Keywords: bilingualism, monolinguals, bilinguals, speech therapy program, generalized schemes, Russian language, Tatar language
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 17 — 27
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