Emotional literacy and methods of its formation in adolescents and youth
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-28-34
The article is devoted to the problems of developing emotional literacy as the ability to understand one’s own emotions and the emotions of other people, the ability to adequately express them, as well as readiness, on this basis, for emotional interaction. The article substantiates the idea that emotional literacy is the cognitive basis of emotional intelligence. The authors discuss the possibilities of forming emotional literacy in adolescents and developing emotional intelligence on this basis. Emotional literacy can be considered as a set of knowledge and skills that can be formed with the help of specific educational programs. The main form of teaching emotional literacy is usually considered training. It is characterized by a combination of effective feedback and group support. The article presents the author’s view of the tasks of work on the formation of emotional literacy in adolescents, analyzes various forms of implementation of this activity (training, conversations, discussion clubs, art studios, etc.). The authors substantiate the idea that the tasks of developing emotional literacy can and should be solved not only in extracurricular activities, but also in the educational process. The teacher can use the emotionally stressful situations that have arisen, the difficulties of self-regulation in children as a subject for conversation and teaching emotional literacy. Teaching humanities subjects, especially literature, history, and world art culture, should be based on a combination of emotional and rational in the knowledge of human behavior and emotions.
Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional literacy, adolescence, education, training
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 28 — 34
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