Features of the organization of professional tests of students in boarding schools
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-35-41
To solve the problems of professional self-determination, it is important to identify the interests of pupils, carry out work on career guidance, help determine how to choose a profession and become a professional. Children studying in boarding schools have their own individual characteristics, so traditional vocational guidance programs require adjustment, the use of different forms of work. Relevant is the definition of the content and forms of professional self-determination, through a professional test, which involves the inclusion of a student in professional activities. When using a professional test, not only acquaintance with the content of the future profession occurs, but also the alignment of an individual trajectory of self-development. The study was conducted on the basis of GU TO SRTSN No. 4, Shchekino, Tula Region. The purpose of the study is to study the peculiarities of the organization of professional tests of students in boarding schools. Theoretical, empirical methods and data processing methods are used. The diagnostic program included a questionnaire to identify readiness to choose a profession (V. B. Uspensky), a differential diagnostic questionnaire (E. A. Klimov), “Motives for choosing a profession” (S. S. Grinshpun), “Profession choice matrix” (G. V. Rezapkina), “Communicative and organizational inclinations” (V. V. Sinyavsky, V. A. Fedoroshin). A program of psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of students was compiled and tested using professional tests. The result of the professional tests was an acquaintance with the world of professions in the Tula region, the development of individual characteristics, the definition of preferred areas of work, motives for choosing a profession, gaining practical experience in a specific professional activity. This orientation contributes to the successful choice of the trajectory of further education and the creation of conditions for increasing the readiness of students for professional self-determination, the formation of professionally significant qualities.
Keywords: professional self-determination, career guidance, professional trial, individual trajectory, boarding schools
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 35 — 41
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