Training humanitarian universities’ students for using information technologies
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-67-77
In St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, bachelors are being trained in the direction of training “Economics”. This paper deals with presenting of the process of development by the author of an electronic course in the discipline “Informatics”. Our e-course was developed and designed taking into account the previously published results. The relevance of scientific research subject is confirmed by the content of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education of higher education, according to which training using of modern information technologies is included in the mandatory part of the curriculum in the areas of training “Economics”. Office information technologies and phygital technologies are widely used by economists in their professional activities. It is necessary to take into account the types of activities specified in the standards that future economists should be ready to carry out: settlement and economic, analytical, research, organizational and management, pedagogical, accounting, settlement and financial, banking and insurance. Let us clarify that one of the leading areas characteristic of the analytical type of activity is search for information on the received task, collection and analysis of data necessary for specific economic calculations for economists. In the course of teaching the discipline “Informatics” of disciplines, students form the following competencies that determine the abilities of future economists to various types of activities using information technologies (primarily office software and electronic document management). In the course of our research, we study how to form these competencies. Material and methods: analysis of scientific literature, development of electronic courses for students of the Faculty of Economics; designing an electronic course in computer science, summarizing the results of teaching the discipline. In the course of our research, we consider the process of formation of competencies among students in the course of teaching the discipline “Informatics” and the relationship with the above disciplines. The sequence of teaching discipline to students of the Economics Faculty will be discussed. The object of our research is training students of the Economics faculty for using of modern information technologies. The subject of our research is the process of using electronic courses and distance learning systems during the teaching of the Informatics discipline. The purpose of this research is studying of the peculiarities distance learning tools and phygital-technologies using during training of economists. This work is aimed at developing and updating educational and methodological materials in the discipline “Informatics”, taking into account the modern features of information technologies. The novelty of the presented results lies in the author’s approach to designing the structure of the e-course and developing updated theoretical materials on the discipline, taking into account new versions of using software. The author, based on his own experience and generalization of the materials of the teachers of the department, developed educational and methodological materials on the discipline “Informatics”, designed to train future economists and managers. The results of teaching the discipline in the 2021/22 academic year for group of 1st year undergraduate students were summarized. Updating the educational and methodological materials on the above disciplines in an electronic course, taking into account the development of modern software tools and phygital technologies application in the trading. In the modern world, there is a contradiction between the need to prepare future economists for the use of modern office and phygital technologies in professional activities and the obsolescence of the developed educational and methodological materials on computer science and information technology. To solve this contradiction, modern educational and methodological materials on the discipline “Informatics” need to be developing and e-course constantly updating. This paper deals with the describing of the developed e-course structure and statistical data obtained from the results of checking students’ answers summarizing, prepared based on the results of completing tasks. In the future, we are planning to improve our e-course structure, taking into account modern trends in the digitalization of education and software.
Keywords: computer science, teaching computer science, digitalization of education, distance learning, phygital-technology
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 67 — 77
Downloads: 405