Humanitarian and anthropological approach as a basis for the organization of professional education of service professionals
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-86-93
The substantiation of the relevance of the anthropological approach in the study of the problems of vocational education has been carried out. The material was the results of theoretical studies of specialists in the ethnography of professions, cultural anthropology, and the theory of education. Their analysis served as the basis for putting forward the humanitarian-anthropological approach as a methodology consistent with the subject of the study of professional education – professional culture, methods and forms of its development. In the domestic cultural and historical tradition, the professions of a doctor, teacher, soldier, policeman, and rescuer belong to the professions of service. This means that for full self-realization in them, a person needs to overcome selfishness and consumerism, to master the values of self-sacrifice and compassion. The transformation of the value foundations of public life, the rejection of the priority of upbringing in the process of education in post-perestroika Russia led to the ambiguous acceptance by young citizens of the modern state strategy aimed at the spiritual and moral development of the younger generation. The idea of repeatedly changing professions has led to the loss of the high value of professionalism. The anthropological turn in vocational education draws attention to the subject of professional education – the development of professional culture. In this regard, the author proposes a humanitarian-anthropological approach as a methodology for her research. On its basis, this concept is clarified as a “culture of the professional community”, anthropological practices are defined as a way of professional education. In the reflexive environment of the event community, there is an understanding of cultural texts that describe the life structure of figures oriented by its values, which contributes to the formation of a professional position. The risks of using this approach are identified, consisting in the inability of modern young people to carry out text work, loss of motivation, refusal to understand the profession as a way of self-realization for life. Higher education is an integral part of adult education, in which theorists substantiate the need for pedagogical support for the search for the meaning of life, which in the national cultural and historical tradition is inextricably linked with the chosen profession. The humanitarian-anthropological approach is defined as a methodology that allows organizing the conditions for the development of the value-semantic sphere of future representatives of the professions of service.
Keywords: humanitarian-anthropological approach, professional education, professional culture, professions of service, anthropology of the profession
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 86 — 93
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