Development of the skills of introspection of the professional activity of teachers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-94-100
In modern conditions of the development of the education system, the implementation of a whole complex of pedagogical and managerial innovations, inter alia, with the assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the professional activity of teachers, is being introduced. The effectiveness of the educational process currently largely depends on how much the teacher is capable and ready not only for the formation of certain knowledge, skills in students, to disclose their creative potential, as well as to the development of their own professional competencies, the ability to find solutions in various pedagogical situations. In the work on the issue of introspection of pedagogical activity, several directions of studying this problem are systematized and distinguished: the formation and development of research, analytical and reflective skills of the teacher; Features of the training of teachers for various types of innovation, taking into account its specifics, including educational, methodological, expert, research. The article justifies the assumption that the formation of teachers of introspection skills is a prerequisite for their successful professional activity. The ability of a modern teacher to carry out introspection is the result of the interiorization of another experience. Three levels of readiness of the teacher to implement introspection are substantiated: at the first level, the formation of goal-setting and individual self-determination in pedagogical activity are assessed at the first level, the allocation of value guidelines; the second level is characterized by sufficient technological work, performing culture, normative literacy, guaranteeing the achievement of the goal; a feature of the third level is the formation of a reflexive superstructure, thanks to which the teacher is able to analyze his activities. Determination of levels allows us to distinguish the criteria and indicators of assessing the teacher’s readiness for introspection. Accordingly, it will be successful if professional pedagogical education is built in the logic of developing learning and professional dialogue and is aimed at developing introspection mechanisms, and modeling of reflective and analytical activity, the development of individual introspection models, become priority in the learning process. The results presented in the article can be used in the system of training future teachers and improving their qualifications.
Keywords: analysis, introspection, introspection of pedagogical activity, teacher’s readiness for introspection
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 94 — 100
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