Using the case method to intensify the exchange of knowledge between teachers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-101-108
The expediency of continuous professional development of teachers is updated, it is recommended to implement training in practice-oriented forms. The expediency of organizing the exchange of knowledge between teachers is indicated, their difficulties in this process are noted. It is recommended to use the case method to intensify the exchange of knowledge between teachers. A review of scientific research is carried out, revealing the prospects for the use of the case method in advanced training of teachers. A goal is set that involves describing the use of the case method to intensify the exchange of knowledge between teachers in a general education organization. There are three categories of cases recommended for research and solution by teachers of educational organizations: a) cases that reveal the features of the formation of functional literacy of students; b) cases showing the nature of the implementation of educational work with modern schoolchildren; c) cases aimed at assisting teachers in mastering the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers in preventive work with difficult contingents of students. The content of each group is described, an algorithm for solving cases aimed at expanding the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers in institutions of additional professional education is proposed. The theoretical value of the study lies in the description of the methods of continuous training of teachers, enriching the possibilities of continuous education of teaching staff. The practical significance of the article lies in the characterization of cases that ensure the intensification of the professional interaction of teachers, both within the framework of intraorganizational training and in the system of advanced training of teaching staff.
Keywords: case method, intensification of knowledge exchange, general educational organization, intraorganizational training, advanced training, teachers, institutions of additional professional education
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 101 — 108
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