Assertive behavior of students of managerial profile
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-122-129
The article shows the need for the formation of assertive behavior of students in the direction of training “State and municipal management” in order to increase confidence, professionalism and competitiveness of the individual. Assertive behavior is considered by many authors to be direct, open behavior that is not intended to harm other people. Despite different approaches to its understanding and definition, researchers identify its key characteristics, such as self-confidence, achieving their goals, making independent decisions, respect for others and for themselves, independent behavior, openness in communication, respect for rights, equal open communication, etc. Based on the analysis of the results of the study obtained according to the methods: “Study of the level of assertiveness” by V. Kapponi, T. Novak, Questionnaire “Autonomy-dependence” G. S. Prygin, “Diagnosis of selfconfidence” B. D. Karvasarsky, it was concluded that during training at the university students do not acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the formation of a sufficiently high level of autonomy, confidence, and, ultimately, assertive behavior for the successful implementation of future professional activities. The negative dynamics of the studied indicators indicates the need to introduce into the learning process at the university a program aimed at the formation of assertive behavior, which will allow to refract the situation for the better and prepare state and municipal employees who are able to manage their emotional behavior, calmly and carefully make decisions, effectively interact with citizens and colleagues, achieve their goals, demonstrate confidence and independence of conduct.
Keywords: assertiveness, assertive behavior, confidence, autonomy, students, studying in the specialty of state and municipal management
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 122 — 129
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