The essence and specifics of pedagogical support for preschool children with special educational needs
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-3-7-16
The article describes the specifics of pedagogical support for preschool children. The theoretical substantiation and methodological approaches of pedagogical support, its practical significance are presented. The meanings and significance of the phenomenon are indicated, the essential characteristics of pedagogical support in preschool education are highlighted. The topic of personalization of education, development, upbringing of children with various starting opportunities is updated. The principle of diversification of pedagogical support is put forward and its interdependence with variability as an actual quality of Russian education is proved. The main processes of interaction between a teacher and a child are classified and the dynamics of changes in the system of support for preschoolers in connection with the appearance of children with developmental disabilities in mass educational institutions is shown. The term “children with special educational needs” is presented, which is disclosed from the position of supporting the diversity of childhood. Classification of categories of children with special educational needs studying in Russian preschool organizations has been developed. The necessary conditions and prospects for the development of pedagogical support for preschoolers with special educational needs within the framework of a multivariate socio-cultural educational space are determined.
Keywords: pedagogical support, children with special educational needs, diversification, variable personality development
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Issue: 3, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 7 — 16
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