Competence-Based Continuity of Meta-Subject Educational Programs of Secondary General and Higher Pedagogical Education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-2-24-35
The relevance of the research topic is due to the permanent transformation of the requirements for the quality of labor resources as a reaction of the economic system to the high dynamism of the development of productive forces, which provokes the continuous improvement of the competencies of workers, who are required not only to qualify, but also to be proactive in terms of optimizing the production process. This predetermines the focus of the education system on the formation of future specialists’ competencies of a meta-subject nature, reflecting the ability not only to fix and evaluate ongoing changes with subsequent adaptation to them, but also to make managerial decisions that are adequate to the current situation. The purpose of the study is to assess the competence continuity of various levels of education in the system “school-pedagogical university (bachelor’s degree - master’s degree)”. The article substantiates the concept of competency-based continuity as a qualitative sign of the dynamics of the process of forming these educational results and the results themselves. The introduction of the concept of “competence continuity” allows us to trace the change in the content of acquired skills, competencies at the junction of general and higher education, which ensures the formation of the meta-subject content of the future specialist’s professional readiness. It is also significant that competency-based continuity is not limited to the period of study, but continues in subsequent professional activities, thereby implementing the principle of continuity of education throughout life. The scientific novelty of the study lies in: substantiation of the content of the competency- based continuity of educational programs, due to both regulatory frameworks (FSES, Standards, etc.) and the evolutionary development of the acquired competencies in the course of implementing the professional skills of a specialist; presenting the characteristics of the evolutionary relationship of universal educational activities formed at the level of secondary education and universal competencies of undergraduate and graduate programs (based on educational programs of Tomsk State Pedagogical University). As a result of the study, the existence of competency-based continuity of the universal competencies of undergraduate and graduate programs of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, their logical connection with the universal educational activities formed at school, which indicates the effective organization of the educational process, has been established.
Keywords: continuity, competence, competence, educational program, meta-subject
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 24 — 35
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