Discussion practices in teen parents’ film club
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-45-59
Teenagers’ parents experience objective difficulties in communicating with their adolescent children. They are in need for tools that can help to overcome the problems of teen-parent communication by developing the culture of experience in the child-parent relationship. Discussion practices used in a parent film club can be considered a resource that helps parents to discuss their acute problems in a safe environment, as well as to clarify possible solutions to problematic situations in their relationships with teenage children. The authors developed a methodology for club meetings, a film club program, and piloted it in 2020-2022. The following discussion methods are presented in detail in the article: polylogue, non-evaluating interview, amplification of meanings, «hat of questions». Examples of their usage are given. The results of the film club work were collected in a questionnaire. The generalized analysis of the feedback from participants is presented. As a result, we come to the conclusion that a group form of presentation of participants’ observations, emotions and reflections within discussion practices of a youth TV-series creates an effective basis for developing parents’ culture of experience. The condition to achieve this result in a film club is creating a common problem-semantic field of a group for a film, which is possible through suggested discussion practices.
Keywords: culture of experience, discussion practices, problem-semantic field, child-parent relationships, adolescence, film club, youth series
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 45 — 59
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