The concept of a prosperous and safe childhood: the essence, problems, recommendations for parents
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-80-86
A comparative analysis of two methodological approaches to understanding childhood is made: childhood as a preparation for adulthood and childhood as a unique and self-valuable stage in a person’s life. The root causes of the appearance of each of the approaches are highlighted, it is proved that the implementation of the first approach leads to total authoritarianism in the interaction of adults and children. The necessity of the second approach as a theoretical basis for a prosperous and safe childhood, which can be interpreted as a subjective and “involved childhood”, is substantiated. The main task of an adult is to involve a child in different types of activity and create the most saturated educational environment for his development. The problem of the correlation of independence and activity of the child with the need of an adult to protect guard against any danger is set. Methodological recommendations for parents of preschoolers and primary school children are formulated. These recommendations relate to aspects of conscious and responsible choice, the organization of independent actions of children, including when doing homework on a textbook, the implementation of dosed assistance and effective feedback from parents to children. The conclusion is made about the need to move from pedagogy stimulating to adulthood development to pedagogy that simultaneously enriches the development of the child and preserves the specifics of childhood, from total authoritarianism to the reversed and open joint action of an adult and a child both in the family and in an educational organization.
Keywords: childhood, growing up, disappearance and enrichment of childhood, authoritarianism, independence, children and parents, involvement
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 80 — 86
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