The role and tools of the tutor in the research work of students of universities
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-104-111
The connection between the actualization of individualization of the trajectories of students with the introduction of Bologna system of education and the new requirements of the labor market was proved. Further, the practical significance of the tutor in scientific work was substantiated. A lacuna in the study of scientific tutor in domestic and foreign practices was indicated. There were highlighted essential features of the tutor, and the understanding of the tutor as a medium between the student and society. The tutor’s goal is not to satisfy the individual needs of an individual student, but to bring him in accordance with certain ideas and ideals of an educated person. As a result of this definition of the tutor, several tools are presented. The selection of tools was made on the basis of tutor’s characteristics. The author tested these tools during his work as the deputy dean for scientific work of the faculty. The first tool was an individual scientific development plan, in which students formulate their shortand long-term plans. The second tool was roadmaps, which are needed in order to present students with possible ways to develop their academic and scientific careers. Another tool was to support the work of the scientific student community. As a result, the problem of scaling this practice is indicated.
Keywords: individualization, tutor, research work, students, universities
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 104 — 111
Downloads: 439