Features of the organization of training of future teachers by means of blended learning (on the example of the course “Physical Education”)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-112-119
In the process of informatization and networkization of the Russian society, the process of formation of a modern national educational system is underway, an integral part of which is the system of training teachers. The article systematizes individual theoretical ideas of the formation of modern pedagogical education. The thesis is proved that the use of modern methods of organizing the educational process and blended learning in professional pedagogical education, in particular, provides an increase in the level of subjectivity of the future teacher, leads to an increase in the flow of information that students need not only to accept and understand, but also process and apply. in future professional activities. The features of the organization of the educational process in a pedagogical university when using a mixed model of organizing the educational process in physical culture and elective courses include: 1. The possibility of conducting training sessions and elective courses in physical culture and online, using the university’s remote portals, which involves independent work of students with consulting support of teachers and evaluation of their work. 2. The use of backup channels and means ensure continuous communication and support for the stability of the educational process. 3. The cyclic construction of educational activities for the study of each topic has a clear algorithm and planned results of each stage of its organization, which determines the possibility of entering individual educational trajectories, including using online learning. 4. A feature of the individual rotation model is the organization of activities at the stages of quasi-independent and independent activities, which changes due to internal differentiation, but becomes more flexible due to the zoning of work stages when using blended learning. The use of blended learning in the process of preparing a future teacher, evaluating the effectiveness of mastering the course, involves the formation of skills for independent work of students, increasing the level of organization and intensification of the educational process, activating the work of faculty and students to update and improve the content and methods of teaching, etc.
Keywords: organization, training, future teachers, blended learning, physical education
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 112 — 119
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