Social portrait of the psychological well-being of student youth
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-4-170-178
The biopsychosocial model of mental health, mental disorders and psychological well-being is the modern model adopted by the psychological and medicine practice. Scientific theories concerning various aspects of human being consider the determinants of any process as the unity of biological and social. The purpose of the study is to form a social portrait of the psychological well-being of students in the Tula region. The SCL-90 test scales were used as parameters for assessing psychological well-being; as parameters characterizing the social portrait - social status (a student from a large family, an incomplete or low-income family, a student with a disability or chronic disease, a student with family and children, a student left without parental care). The study involved 1363 students of universities in the Tula region aged 17-24 years, of which 1068 female, 295 male. Monitoring was carried out during the fall of 2022. Conclusions: the presence of social status does not imply, but does not exclude low indicators of psychological well-being. Differences in the psychological well-being of students depending on the social status were revealed. Students from large families are twice as likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high one; students from single-parent families are three times more likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high one; students with disabilities or chronic diseases are significantly more likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high level; orphan students are twice as likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high one; students from low-income backgrounds are three times more likely to have a low level of psychological well-being than a high level. The results obtained indicate the expediency of social and psychological support for students of these social groups, and, first of all, students with chronic diseases or disabilities.
Keywords: social portrait, social determinants, psychological well-being, youth, students
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Issue: 4, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 170 — 178
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