The component composition of the modern engineer’s soft skills
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-7-16
The article is devoted to the topical issue of pedagogical support for the formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren in the single-industry town. The very process of formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren is not new. At different times Russian scientists studied various aspects of the formation of professional self-determination: sociological, psychological, technological, pedagogical, professional development, methodological foundations, psychological and pedagogical support and scientific and methodological support. Over the past years, Russian scientists have been actively searching for new approaches to solving the problems of professional self-determination of schoolchildren and organizing this process. However, the issues of pedagogical support for professional self-determination of schoolchildren in single-industry towns, where negative socio-economic processes are observed (population outflow, closure or reduction of city-forming enterprises, limited number of qualified specialists, etc.), require theoretical and practical development, and, unlike federal and regional centers, there is limited amount of resources. The purpose of this study was to identify the conditions for the effectiveness of pedagogical support for the formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren in a single-industry town. To achieve this purpose we used theoretical and empirical research methods: analysis and synthesis, modeling, design, pedagogical experiment, questioning, observation, methods of mathematical processing of the obtained results. The results obtained during the pedagogical experiment allow us to state that the effective conditions of the formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren are: the implementation of pedagogical support at all stages of the process under consideration: diagnostic, design, activity, evaluation; designing the informational and educational environment of a single-industry town; organization of interaction between all subjects of the formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren (educational organizations, parents, organizations of industry and the sphere of social services of the of a single-industry town – social partners). The results obtained in the study can be used in the educational practice of single-industry towns.
Keywords: pedagogical support, formation of professional self-determination of schoolchildren, information and educational environment of a single-industry town
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 7 — 16
Downloads: 256