Pre-professional training of schoolchildren on the platform of the federal project «Ticket to the Future» as a basis for early professional orientation in promising professions
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-17-26
In the context of the ongoing global geopolitical transformations, the training of qualified personnel for industries developing and rebuilding in accordance with the new technological order and the needs of the digital Russian economy is of particular importance. In this regard, it is of particular importance to attract young personnel to the vocational education system and create conditions for the formation of human resources already at the stages of basic general and secondary general education. To solve the problem of the existing personnel shortage, the Federal project «Professionalism» has been developed, one of the goals of which is to popularize and increase the prestige of working professions, including through cooperation between organizations of the secondary vocational education system and students of general education organizations. Ensuring the effectiveness of such cooperation presupposes the presence of a trained teacher mentor and a developed program of pre-professional training for schoolchildren in a sought-after profession. An example of such cooperation is the implementation of the program of preprofessional training of schoolchildren in the professional direction of «Forest Management and reforestation Engineering». The implementation of early professional orientation of schoolchildren in the form of pre-professional training provides not only information about the nomenclature of modern and in-demand professions on the labor market, but also makes it possible to carry out professional tests in promising professions and specialties of regional economic sectors. The potential of the opportunities provided by the platform of the federal project «Ticket to the future» within the framework of the project «Success of every child» of the Passport of the national project «Education» in terms of the development and implementation of the program of early professional orientation of schoolchildren of grades 6-11 of secondary school in the competence «Forest management and reforestation Engineering» is investigated.
Keywords: early professional orientation, professional tests, competence of forest management and reforestation engineering, the program of pre-professional training of schoolchildren, the platform of the federal project «Ticket to the future»
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 17 — 26
Downloads: 290