The model of the integration-educational cluster in the system of secondary medical professional education of the Tomsk region
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-27-35
The cluster approach in modern Russian education is the most relevant development trend of the last decade. Theoretical and methodological foundations are being developed, methodological tools and conditions for improving the efficiency of this process are being formed. The article presents a study on the problem of using a cluster approach to solve the urgent vocational, educational and socio-economic task of qualified training and securing in the workplace of secondary medical personnel for extremely remote settlements from the regional center, such as the extreme northwestern point of the Tomsk region – Strezhevoye, as well as the most remote from Tomsk settlement the points are the village of Alexandrovskoye and the town of Kedrovy. The purpose of the publication is a theoretical justification of the use of the cluster approach in the system of secondary professional medical education in the Tomsk region, a description of the primary results of creation and testing and recommendations for use in other regions. The study included theoretical and empirical research methods. A theoretical clarification of the concept of “Integration and educational cluster” in the system of secondary vocational education is carried out, theoretical aspects of the implementation of priority trends of state policy in the field of vocational education are shown, a model of the integration and educational cluster of the system of secondary medical vocational education of the Tomsk region “Healthcare” is implemented. The backbone element of the cluster is the Tomsk Basic Medical College (hereinafter – TBMC).
Keywords: integration, integration and educational cluster, subject of clustering, secondary medical professional education, cluster approach
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 27 — 35
Downloads: 250