Features of teaching in educational institutions of the penitentiary type
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-36-46
The article describes the features of the convict’s behavior, analyzes his personality and how long-term isolation from society affects it. The lack of full-fledged social interaction has a number of negative effects on a person’s mental health. The purpose of the criminal executive legislation of Russia is the correction of convicts, as well as the prevention of the commission of new crimes. In order for a full-fledged law-abiding citizen to return to society, who would benefit the state and society, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts by the employees of the correctional institution. The final result of educational work depends on the level of competence of teachers. In addition to high professionalism, the teacher must have certain qualities and show great patience and flexibility in working with young people in the colony. In order for the work done to be effective, it is necessary to apply various pedagogical technologies, modern non-traditional forms and methods of work. Particular attention is paid to what difficulties the teacher faces when working in an unfavorable environment, what features he subsequently acquires, what barriers he encounters on his way and what is necessary in order to overcome them. The article presents the specifics and general state of the educational process in the colony. A set of problems is considered, the solution of which is possible only under the condition of mutual interest of representatives of branch science, teaching staff of schools of correctional colonies and heads of institutions.
Keywords: convict, student, educational work, education, correction, penitentiary system, teacher
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 36 — 46
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