Ways to increase the efficiency of independent activities of military institutes’ cadets
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-47-57
The article reveals the essence, content and structure of independent work in the modern educational process of military universities. Independent work of cadets is considered as a set of measures aimed at studying the material by cadets according to the curriculum in a specially allotted time. It enhances such personal qualities of a cadet as initiative, self-organization, creativity, and is also a process of deepening and consolidating the educational material. Through well-organized independent work, there is an increase in the level of knowledge, organization, self-control and personal discipline. The role of independent work of cadets in a military university is obvious, since only through self-education can one achieve a depth of assimilation of theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities. Independent work is organized outside the classroom and performs cognitive, developmental, educational, stimulating, controlling and corrective functions, as well as the function of self-management and self-control. The study was conducted in three platoons of cadets of the first and second courses of the St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov of the Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Its purpose was to identify the state of the problem under consideration and to search for effective forms and methods of its organization. In the course of the study, theoretical and empirical methods were used. Theoretical sources were analyzed, various theories of independent activity were compared. Empirical data were obtained using a questionnaire and interview method. At the final stage of the experiment, the method of expert assessments was involved. In the process of independent work, cadets prepare for lectures, seminars, speeches at conferences, and project work. At the same time, they can prepare for tests and exams. Independent work acts as one of the most important areas of educational activity in a military university and is mandatory for every cadet. Regular and well-organized independent work helps to increase the level of academic performance, initiative, determination, self-control. The cadets assimilate the educational material more effectively when their independent work is not only provided with the methodological support of the teacher, but is also competently controlled by the unit commanders, which was noted by 725 respondents. The study made it possible to identify the features of the organization of independent work in a military university, the difficulties in its implementation, to develop practical recommendations and proposals for improving the efficiency of independent work of cadets. It was found that increasing the efficiency and improving the organization of independent work in a military university is determined by the strengthening of the military professional training of cadets, the uniform distribution of outfits between the departments of the university, the well-thought-out organization of independent training of cadets, the availability of teaching aids, educational materials, information base, control by professorial teaching staff and unit commanders.
Keywords: independent work of cadets, self-organization, methodological support and control, ways to improve the organization of independent work
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 47 — 57
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