Education in Russian in a Kenyan secondary school: main issues of methodological support
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-58-69
The issues of designing education in Russian in a Kenyan comprehensive school are considered in the aspect of organizing linguodidactic support. The goal and objectives of this activity are formulated, the complicating and enabling factors are analyzed, the stages in the work of a specialist in the implementation of subject education for Kenyan schoolchildren using the resources of the Russian language as part of general education, correlating with the periods of preparation in primary, secondary and high school, are highlighted. It is emphasized that interest in the problem is determined by the steady growth of the importance of multilingual and multicultural education in the modern world. The proposed approach, built on the basis of the achievements of modern ethnolinguodidactics, ethnopedagogy and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, is based on the priorities of the external state educational policy related to the promotion of a positive image of Russia in the modern international arena, including in the countries of the African continent, by means of the national language and national culture.
Keywords: multicultural educational space, Kenya, secondary school, Russian as a foreign language, ethnolinguodidactics, Kenyan linguistic culture
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 58 — 69
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