Kettlebell sport: content and methods of teaching students of the Institute of Physical Culture using crossfit elements
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-111-120
The article deals with the issue of the formation of knowledge and skills for preparing students at the training sessions of the course of sports improvement “Kettlebell lifting”, taught at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. A modern version of teaching theoretical and physical training methods to students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports using CrossFit elements is presented. CrossFit is a type of physical activity that consists of a high-intensity strength training program. The program is made up of exercises from other sports, such as: kettlebell lifting, weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, athletics and others. This technique is based on scientific and methodological principles and approaches to the process of training and development of strength endurance in kettlebell lifting. The developed methodology consists of the following components: theoretical topics, practical training topics for the development of physical qualities, means of influencing muscle groups, a training program with crossfit elements, exposure doses, work intensity and rest intervals between sets. A wide range of teaching methods are used, both general pedagogical and specific, such as: explanation, conversation, story, discussion, methods of strictly regulated exercises (repeated, variable, uniform, interval, circuit training method); competitive and game methods. The results of the impact of the developed methodology before and after the experiment are presented. The effectiveness of the developed method of teaching students, aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills for the development of physical qualities during kettlebell lifting, has been experimentally proven.
Keywords: kettlebell lifting, teaching methods, training sessions, crossfit, theoretical knowledge, practical skills, physical fitness, strength endurance
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 111 — 120
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