Resource opportunities for professionalization of pedagogical thinking
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-137-145
The article presents an overview and analytical consideration of the professionalization of pedagogical thinking as a long process of mastering the chosen profession, arising in the pre-university period and continuing at the university and postgraduate stages of training and advanced training. It is proved that the professionalization of the teacher’s thinking is accompanied by the development of his personality through the actualization and implementation of the supra-situational level of problem detection in the professional activity performed. Resource opportunities are characterized by personal orientation of thinking as the basis of creative self-realization of the teacher. This orientation is characterized by the establishment of supra-situational problemativeness, which allows the teacher to include not only situational, but also personal characteristics in the analysis of a pedagogical problem situation. Awareness of one’s own personal characteristics, which are important for the optimal resolution of the professional difficulty that has arisen, is the spiritual support of the teacher. Personal neoplasms arise when the teacher realizes what personal qualities are not enough to achieve the intended goal in the process of coping with the difficulties that have arisen. It is proved that habilitation is characterized by the development of potential intellectual capabilities that determine the stability and productivity of the teaching staff. Amplification as a method of semantic expansion of the semantic field in cognition and transformation of a difficult situation contributes to an adequate understanding of what is happening and provides an expansion of the valuesemantic orientation of the zone of development of one’s own capabilities.
Keywords: professionalization, pedagogical thinking, teachers, students, mental activity, subject, resource-based thinking
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 137 — 145
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