Identification of markers of safe accompaniment of children with disabilities
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-5-130-136
Inclusion is a concept that seeks to ensure equal opportunities and accessibility of education for all children, including students and pupils with different nosologies. However, despite the positive aspects of inclusion, such a progressive education system does not always meet the educational needs of children with dysontogenesis, which hinders the realization of the potential of such pupils and students. The problem is that teachers do not have sufficient knowledge and skills to work effectively with children of various categories, which can lead to insufficient support and results. The purpose of the article is to identify markers of safe inclusive support for children with disabilities in psychophysical development. The article analyzes the resources and support needed for a safe inclusive educational system. Identification and study by the author of the most relevant inclusion parameters allowed to identify the most important and significant markers of safe support of children with learning difficulties. Possible markers include the competence of the accompanying specialist, which is defined as a safety factor only in the case of versatility as a basic professional characteristic of the teacher. The survey shows that the majority of teachers demonstrate insufficient knowledge about the specific needs and requests of persons with developmental pathology, as well as limited professional communication skills with children. Special methods are needed to develop such a professional quality of a teacher as versatility.
Keywords: children with disorders in psychophysical development, inclusive safety, markers of safe support, multidisciplinary specialist
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Issue: 5, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 130 — 136
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