Design features of the educational topic learning environment (on the example of mathematics)
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-7-20
The relevance of the work is due to the fact that mathematics, as a special language of science and communication, is a cultural phenomenon of the modern digital society, and educational texts in mathematics, as a condition for the implementation of meaningful education for students, reflective selfdetermination of teachers and the design of a developmental learning environment, become the subject of research in various academic areas, including psychodidactics. The methodological base was a descriptive and systematic analysis of empirical facts in the study of the role of the educational text and the learning space of the educational topic in creating a developmental learning environment aimed at the meaningful mastering of mathematics by students. A comparative method was used in the analysis of educational texts from the standpoint of their features and properties that contribute to the creation of a developmental learning environment in the process of studying mathematics. The authors analyse and describe the modern educational text, the transformation of the education content and the crucial role of the learning environment in the process of mastering the educational topic. Having conducted the study and the analysis of the obtained data, the authors come to the conclusion that a specially designed educational topic learning environment is likely to become part of the developmental learning environment. Moreover, it seems to affect the achievement of a deep level of understanding the educational material by students and influences the system of concepts, facts, methods of action, thinking, perception of the world and the individual in the relevant environment.
Keywords: educational text, learning environment of the educational topic, developmental learning environment, conscious learning
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 7 — 20
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