Analysis of school essays-reviews of the book read by different generations
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-42-50
The report provides a comparative analysis of school essays on the topic “Review of a book read” written by sixth graders in 1985, 2005 and 2022. For analysis, the compositions of students from schools 88 (Seversk), 36, 49 schools (Tomsk) were used. A comparative analysis of the essays demonstrates how the reading preferences of Soviet schoolchildren (generation X), teenagers of generation zero (Y) and the modern generation (Z) have changed, and also shows the formation of textual competence among schoolchildren. Soviet schoolchildren loved to read books about exploits and heroism. Favorite authors are Reuvem Fraerman, Arkady Gaidar, Lev Davydychev. Generation zero was interested in adventures, science fiction, horror, children’s romance novels. Favorite authors – Robert Stein, Joan Rowling, John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, Sergey Lukyanenko. Digital children prefer comics, manga and fan fiction. Favorite authors are Ida Iro, Wakui Ken, Koeharu Gotoge, Diana Jones, Cornelia Funke. A comparison of the essays showed that Soviet schoolchildren were most conscientious about the task. The reviews have a clear structure, there is logic, one’s own opinion is expressed. The minus of the reviews is the ideology and the template. Millennial reviews do not have a clear composition, thoughts are expressed chaotically, but there are criticisms and jokes. The writings of digital children are the most concise, they do not contain reflections. Conclusions are presented regarding the prospects of working with teenagers in literature lessons
Keywords: textual competence, methods of teaching literature, theory of generations, generation X, millennials, zoomers, digital children, modern teenage literature, reading circle of teenagers, book review
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 42 — 50
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