Formation of regional linguistic knowledge of foreign philology students using booktrailer technology
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-60-68
The article discusses the possibilities of forming the linguistic knowledge of foreign students in the process of constructing a booktrailer based on the material of a popular scientific book - a linguoculturological dictionary of regional onomastics, built on a thematic principle, taking into account the motivation of region names. The characteristics of the booktrailer video technology are given, the experience is presented and the expediency of teaching this technology to philology students who will be able to use the acquired skills in their future pedagogical practice is proved. The learning process is shown on the material of training videos. Special attention is paid to the representation of the cultural and historical background of Pskov godonyms, their connection with important historical events and famous cultural figures for the region is revealed. The stages of a methodological experiment are described, the results of which showed that students mastered a new video technology, gained additional knowledge on the history of Russia and the Pskov region, learned to reveal the cultural background of godonyms in linguoculturological comments. Thus, the expediency of involving students in the construction of a book trailer was confirmed in order to expand their linguistic and local knowledge and improve their skills in the field of video technology.
Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, regional linguoculturological dictionary, video technologies, booktrailer, international students
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 60 — 68
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