Integral characteristics of memory in boys and girls in early adolescence: correlations of indicators, gender differences
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-172-185
The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the volume as an integral characteristic of the memory of younger adolescents, taking into account gender. The subject of the study is the features of the development of the volume of various types of memory in boys and girls of younger adolescence. The article analyzes the theoretical provisions describing the specifics of the manifestation of memory processes in the scientific literature, describes the features of the volume of memory in boys and girls in early adolescence. Significant differences in the volume of visual mediated memory in a sample of boys and girls were determined. More pronounced indicators of the studied memory parameters in girls are described. Direct connections between the indicators of the volume of visual mediated and auditory long-term memory, as well as visual long-term and auditory mediated memory were revealed. Direct correlations were found between the indicators of the volume of auditory mediated, auditory long-term, auditory mediated memory. It is proved that the change in the volume indicator of a certain type of memory should be taken into account when predicting possible changes in the volume indicator of another type of memory. The relationships between the indicators of “the volume of auditory long-term memory” and “the volume of auditory short-term memory”, as well as between the indicators of “the volume of auditory long-term memory” and “the volume of auditory mediated memory” were determined on a sample of small children. Correlations between indicators of “auditory longterm memory volume” and “visual mediated memory volume”, as well as between indicators of “auditory long-term memory volume” and “auditory mediated memory volume” were determined on a sample of girls. The severity of the characteristics of memory types in groups of boys and girls with high and low levels of performance discipline is determined.
Keywords: memory, younger adolescence, gender differences, types of memory, integral characteristics of memory
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 172 — 185
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