Resources of mathematics lessons in primary school for the implementation of environ-mental education
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-7-16
Ecological problems are relevant today and confirm the need for environmental education of the younger generation. It is important to form not only knowledge, but also the activity component of environmental culture in order to gradually form a generation of citizens who are not indifferent to environmental problems. An analysis of the content of educational and methodological kits in mathematics and the surrounding world showed that there are deficiencies in this area. Ecological tasks in textbooks are contained either in insufficient quantity or are presented haphazardly. There are practically no tasks aimed at the formation of the activity component of ecological culture. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, data were obtained confirming the relevance of environmental education. The students of the 4th grade have a poorly formed cognitive component of ecological culture. The directions in the work on the formation of ecological culture in mathematics lessons and in extracurricular activities are highlighted. The work experience in extracurricular activities to create environmental projects is presented. The article deals with the concepts of natural science literacy, environmental education and culture; the analysis of the experience of environmental education in Russia was carried out, the methods, forms, methods of work on environmental education were presented, the features of the selected didactic techniques in the work of specific teachers were highlighted. The analysis of the environmental situation in Tomsk is briefly presented, the main environmental problems are highlighted. The analysis carried out made it possible, on the basis of real data on the work of Tomsk enterprises, to draw up environmental tasks aimed at the formation of natural science literacy. Examples of tasks for the formation of natural science literacy based on the local history material of the Tomsk region are considered. These tasks address various types of environmental problems.
Keywords: science literacy, environmental education, mathematics, tasks, elementary school
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 7 — 16
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